NBD Designs is Nikolas Bryan-Dunaway’s outlet for exploring what shape and style can be.


I’m passionate about design. With over 10 years of experience designing products, my goal is to continuously discover new ways of bettering ourselves and society.


I have worked primarily on golf cart designs. But I am ever curious and looking for new ways to innovate. Here are some highlights of my favorite projects.

Awarded Patents

Golf Car DRL Headlights: USD812272

Villager Refreshed Cowl: USD953219

Onward SE Brush-guard: USD1009730


Design is my life. I’m focusing on work and school right now and have some thoughts for a laptop idea. But I’m happy to hear what your project idea might be. Perhaps I have the solution!

Write me an email at nikolasbryandunaway@yahoo.com or message me on social media.
